

Phrasal verbs (1) - Uma tendência natural dos falantes nativos do inglês

Da Página 3 Pedagogia & Comunicação

Em inglês, para se referir à combinação de um verbo principal com preposições ou advérbios, utiliza-se a denominação genérica de phrasal verb. Entre os falantes nativos desse idioma, existe uma tendência a utilizar os phrasal verbs em lugar dos chamados single-word-verbos, isto é, os verbos propriamente ditos.

Para falar inglês de modo menos formal e mais próximo do cotidiano dos falantes dessa língua, é fundamental conhecer os phrasal verbs. O quadro abaixo apresenta 25 exemplos de uso muito frequente.


Ask forPedirThe police officer is asking for some information.
Back upFazer cópia de segurançaDon’t forget to back up your files every day.
Be out ofNão ter; estar semShe was out of ideas about what to do.
Break downPifar; quebrarThe car has broken down – again!
Call offCancelarPlease call off my appointments for the rest of the day.
Clean upArrumar; organizarWhy haven’t you cleaned up your room yet?
Come backVoltar de algum lugarI’ll come back home later tonight, mom.
Come intoHerdarSam will come into a million dollars when his wife dies.
Count onConfiar emJerry can always count on his brothers.
Cut downReduzir quantidadesOK, I understand you can’t quit smoking – but can’t you try to cut it down?
Deal withLidar com pessoa, situação, problemaDon’t count on anybody about this – you must deal with the problem on your own.
Dress upVestir-se bem; arrumar-seIt’s an informal dinner – we don’t need to dress up.
Figure outEntender algo ou alguémAs a matter of fact, this is a mystery to me: I can’t figure it out.
Fill inPreencher formulárioIf you want the job, you’ll need to fill in this application form.
Get overSarar; recuperar-seIn order to get over the cold, Elisabeth stayed at home and rested for a week.
Give backDevolverGive the book back to him when you’ve finished reading it.
Give upParar de fazer alguma coisa; largarIt’s very hard to give up smoking.
Go awaySair; ir emboraGo away – I don’t want to talk to you now!
Go onAcontecerWhat’s going on here, kids?
Heat upEsquentar comidaI’ll heat up some soup.
Hold onEsperarHold on, she will be back soon.
Keep onContinuarI’ll keep on studying till I pass the exam.
Let downDecepcionar alguémWe trusted him, but he let us down.
Lie downDeitar-sePlease lie down – you must rest!
Light upIluminarIt’s very dark – would you please light up the way?
